
The Curator's Choice
A truly sustainable approach
CANA wine (Settemaggio winery Monte Carasso)
the artwork MODULOR USURPER by Alek Slon
キュレーターのRoy Hoferはスイス南部ティチーノ州で造られたワインをスイス・ドイツ語圏とイタリア語圏をつなぐ媒体、アレク・スロンの作品を神話と現代をつなぐ媒体と解釈し、どちらも離れた場所や時空をつなぐものとしてペアリングを薦めています。
A truly fresh and sustainable mix of grapes and thoughts which form the wine CANA by the young and dynamic Settemaggio winery in the southern part of Switzerland. The longest street tunnel through the Alps the Gotthard connects the German and Italien speaking parts of Switzerland. But it is also the way from the north to the south and frankly speaking the way to the Mediterranean Sea. But before stopping at the ocean you should stop by and enjoy the beautiful Swiss canton of Ticino. Life there is influenced by a warm climate, a rich and beautiful vegetation surrounded by spectacular landscapes.
The polish artist Alek Slon is dealing in his artistical approach to the SEED theme about the 17SDG’s a study of the Greek myth of Polyphemus. The story could be interpreted in a materialistic monster of a throwaway society which arisen from the industrial age. The greed of the markets and it’s customers habits hits the planet hard and in fact us. We need people to change working processes, production lines, and the way we deal with resources.
If we want our next generation and the generations to be followed to enjoy an intact environment we all must do something in order to preserve our nature and it’s resources…
Roy Hofer
The Merlot and Sauvignon Soyhières grapes are gently pressed, without removing the stems before pressing, to obtain the clearest possible must. Cold fermentation is carried out in stainless steel vats. To ensure good freshness and minerality, no malolactic fermentation is carried out. Special features: The resistant vines were planted in 2001 to diversify production. In addition to resistance to vine diseases, the vine is interesting for its good oenological properties. With these fundamental properties, they allow us to make a good wine and cultivate it in a way that aims at greater respect for the environment and nature. Pairing: Very suitable as an aperitif wine for any occasion. Its freshness and minerality also make it suitable for first and second courses such as risotto alla pescatora, river trout, salmon trout and seafood.
アレク・スロンは古代ギリシャ神話のポリュペーモス(オデュッセウスに敗れたキュクロプスの一人)とモダニズムの最も著名な象徴の一つであるコルビジェのモデュロール(コルビジェが独自に生み出した建造物の基準寸法の数列)を融合した作品「MODULOR USURPER」によって、ポリュペーモスの新しい解釈を提案しています。
With his painting MODULOR USURPER, Alek Slon proposes a new reading of the ancient Greek myth of Polyphemus, the cyclops defeated by Odysseus, melting it with one of the most prominent symbols of modernist belief, Le Corbusier´s Modulor, which submits every development to the human dimension. Cyclops, bigger and more powerful than man, builder of walls and weapons, and endowed with a one-eyed vision, represent a metaphor for the ingenuous striving for power and wealth. In contemporary terms, it may translate into the uncontrollable forces of industrial and economic development of mankind. In the original myth the monster, day after day, devours Odysseus‘ companions, promising him to be eaten last. Nowadays, humankind has become subject to complex processes that are difficult to control. Modernism with its belief
of everlasting progress and growth has proven to have created inequalities, environmental degradation and climate change, resulting in fostering military, industrial or social violence - a multifaceted contemporary Polyphemus, so to say. Alek Slon´s work invites us to reflect on these parallels of the ancient myth and our times. While Odysseus succeeds in defeating Polyphemus by using his genius and creativity to escape the trap, we are left to wonder whether we will be able to take similar actions to turn our destiny around.